Categoria: Internacionais


The first Iberian Golf Director’s Cup, facilitated and supported by Jacobsen, took place at Estoril Golf Club near Lisbon. Two teams representing Spain and Portugal, were comprised of 12 players from each country: eight were chosen by their respective national associations and four more were chosen to participate as guests of Jacobsen’s Spanish and Portuguese distributors, Greenmowers and Tijardim, respectively.

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Your Club Is Not a Farm – Forget the Silos

CORE COMPETENCY REF. Membership and marketing 
By Trevor Coughlan

Belonging to, or even visiting a club, comes with certain expectations. One of which is that an elevated level of service will be experienced. In order to deliver on this expectation, clubs are turning to sophisticated software systems not only to streamline tedious and time consuming tasks, but also to elevate the level of service offered.

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